Stay warm
One of the best ways to keep yourself well during winter is to stay warm, as this can help to prevent colds, flu and more serious health problems such as heart attacks, strokes, pneumonia and depression.
Published: 23 November 2024
With the high cost of living at the moment, it’s tempting to try and ride out the cold weather to avoid spending too much on heating. But being cold can have a serious impact on your health, particularly if you’re older or have a pre-existing condition.
If you can’t heat your whole home, it’s important to try to heat the rooms you spend the most time in (for example, the living room during the day and the bedroom just before going to sleep) to at least 18°C.
Simple, low-cost changes can also help to keep you and your home warm, such as fitting draught excluders to doors, keeping windows closed, wearing several thin layers of clothing rather than one thick one, having hot food and drinks and moving around often rather than sitting still.