3 December 2024 - Society
Could you be a Trustee?
The Clayhidon Charity is looking for two volunteers to become trustees alongside the three parish councillors - Jamie Blackmore, Richard Drew and Nick King.
The Clayhidon Charity is looking for two volunteers to become trustees alongside the three parish councillors - Jamie Blackmore, Richard Drew and Nick King.
There are three weeks left to have your say as part of this year’s residents’ survey and the results will feed into the Council’s budget setting process, as well as future plans for prioritising services.
We all need to take extra care over the winter months to ensure that everyone can travel safely on Devon’s roads. With less daylight and greater chances of poor weather, conditions are more hazardous at this time of year.
If you want to influence Mid Devon District Council's spending priorities then click on the link below!
One of the highest priorities is to fix storm overflows. Part of the plan to fix storm overflows is to prevent sewer misuse – by making sure that customers are aware what they should, and shouldn’t, flush down their toilet. Download the leaflet below for more information.